Stellaria longipes ssp. logipes
Perennial herb, petals white, occasional in wet meadow, east end of property, near Convict Creek, with Carex spp., Deschamsia cespitosa.
Stephanomeria spinosa
Perennial, rays pink, pappus minutely barbellate, uncommon in dry sandy-gravelly soil, in sagebrush scrub near road to manmade stream channels, east end of property with Artemisia tridentata, Pushia tridentata.
Stipa comata
Common dry sandy-gravelly soil, amoung shrubs, sagebrush scrub; Artemisia tridentata, Purshia tridentata, Leymus cinereus.Perennial herb, culms clumped, to 1 m. tall.
Stipa hymenoides
Perennial bunch grass; common in dry sandy-gravelly soil, sagebrush scrub, south west corner of property; with Artemisia tridentata, Purshia tridentata.
Stipa hymenoides X nevadensis
Perennial bunchgrass hybrid; uncommon in dry sandy-gravelly soil, sagebrush scrub, south east corner of property, with Purshia tridentata, Artemisia tridentata.
Stipa nevadensis
Perennial bunchgrass; occasional in dry sandy-gravelly soil, sagebrush scrub, north of central stream control structure; with Artemisia tridentata, Purshia tridentata.
Symphoricarpos rotundifolius var. rotundifolius
Common shrub to 1.5 m tall, corollas white, in semi-shade on steep north-east facing slope near high trail below Abies magnifica.
Symphoyotrichum spathulatum var. spathulatum
Perennial herb, rhizomatous, liguels lavender, common in moist meadows near Convict Creek, east end of property, with Carex spp., Senecio hydrophilus.
Taraxacum officinale
Eastern Sierra Nevada, Convict Creek, UC Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Lab, Mt. Morrison Rd, 0.8 mi NW of intersection with Hwy 395. Uncommon, wet meadows and streambanks near Convict Creek. Common perennial herb, heads yellow.
Tetradymia canescens
Shrub to 8 dm tall, dusk flowers yellow, locally uncommon in sagebrush scrub, North of central stream control structure, with Artemisia tridentata, Purshia tridentata, Leymus cineras.
Thalictrum fendleri var. fendleri
Per. herb to 1.5 m. tall, common along entrance road and near meadows in shade with Pinus murrayana, Aquilegia formosa, Osmorhiza occidentalis.
Tiquilia nuttallii
Annual herb, corollas pale pink; common in dry sandy-gravelly soil, distrubed open area within sagebrush scrub. North of headquarters building; with Lappula redowskii, Eriastrum wilcoxii.
Tragopogon dubius
Annual or biennial, rays pale yellow, occasional weed in sagebrush scrub-meadow transition areas, NE corner of the property; with Artemisia tridentata, Purshia tridentata, Slaix lutea.
Trifolium longipes spp. hansenii
Common, moist soli of meadows and streambanks near Convict Creek. Perennial herb, stems erect, corollas white and purple.
Trifolium longipes var. nevadense
Perennial herb, corollas pink; occasional in meadow N side of central stream control structure; with Carex spp., Penstemon oreocharis, Deschampsia cespitosa.
Trifolium wormskioldii
Perennial herb, petals purple and white; occasional in wet meadows, E end of property near Convict Creek; with Carex spp. Lupinus polyphyllus.
Trimorpha lonchophylla
Occasional per. herb, corollas lavendar and yellow, in meadow on borders of streamlets with Gentiana holopetala and Elymus triticoides.
Urtica dioica holosericea
Occ. per herb, flowers greenish, in moist soil of meado and near Mammoth Creak with Salix, Sphenosciadium capitellatum.
Utricularia minor
Uncommon, submerged in several small seasonal “ponds” within the meadow south of the esternmost control structure on Convict Creek. Annual vegetative material.
Verbascum thapsus
Eastern Sierra Nevada, Convict Creek, UC Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Lab, Mt. Morrison Rd, 0.8 mi NW of intersection with Hwy 395. Uncommon, moist sites, roadside ditches and distrubed sites in meadows. Short-lived perennial herb, to 2 m tall, corollas yellow.
Vicia americana var. americana
Scarece, several plants in flower beds around buildings. Perennial herb, corollas purple.