Muhlenbergia richardsonis – Mat Muhly
Perennial grass, rhizomatous; occasional in dry sandy-gravelly soil, sagebrush scrub, north of central stream control structure; with Artemisia tridentata, Purshia tridentata.
Nama densum – Matted Nama
nnual herb; occasional in sandy-gravelly soil, open roadside areas, near entrance to property, elevation 7,065 ft.
Nicotiana attenuata – Coyote Tobacco
Rare annual herb, flowers white, tinged purple, in gravel along Old Mammoth Road with Pinus murrayana and Abies concolor.
Oenothera californica ssp. avita – California Evening-primrose
Perennial herb, corollas white; scattered patches in roadside gravel along Mt. Morrison Rd, 250 ft east of SNARL boundary.
Oenothera elata ssp. hirsutissima – Yellow Evening-primrose
Perennial or biennial, petals yellow; occasional along the banks of Convict Creek, near east stream control structure; with Salix exigua, Lupinus polyphyllus.
Parnassia parviflora – Small-Flowered Grass of Parnassus
Perennial herb, petals white; locally uncommon in old constructed stream channels near Convict Creek, north of the east stream control structure; with Carex spp., Gentianopsis holopetala.
Pedicularis crenulata – Scalloped-leaved Lousewort
Perennial, corollas white; uncommon, c. 55 individuals, native at this location; montane riparian woodland along Convict Creek, on islands between two branches on creek; with Salix exigua, Betula occidentalis, Smilacina stellata, Lupinus polphyllus, Juncus balticus, Carex spp.
Penstemon rostriflorus – Scarlet Penstemon
Occasional perennial herb, corollas red, in dry gravelly soil on south facing chaparral-covered slope with Quercus vaccinifolia, Ceanothus cordulatus, C. velutinus.
Penstemon rydbergii var. oreocharis – Meadow Penstemon
Perennial herb, corollas purple; occasional in drier meadows, E end of property near north fence; with Smilacina stellate, Astragalus Canadensis var. brevidens.
Phacelia bicolor var. bicolor – Bicolored Phacelia
Annual herb, corollas purple and yellow, common in dry sandy-gravelly soil, sagebrush scrub, southwest corner of property near fence, with Purshia tridentata, Mentzelia sp.
Phleum pratense – Timothy Hay
Perennial bunch grass to 5 dm tall, occasional near buildings in moist soil shaded Pinus murrayana and Abies concolor.
Phlox stansburyi – Stansbury Phlox
Occasional, perennial herb, corollas white to pink growing up through dead brush on sagebrush-covered moraine; with Purshia tridentata, Eriogonum umbellatum.
Pinus jeffreyi – Jeffrey Pine
Common tree to 40 m tall or more, at base of northeast-facing slope with Abies magnifica, understory containing Quercus vaccinifolia and Ceanothus cordulatus.
Platanthera sparsiflora – Sparse-flowered Bog-orchid
Occasional, moist to wet loam soil, meadows near Convict Creek, east end of property; Lupinus Lepidus confertus, Cirsium drummondii, Carex spp. Perennial herb, to 4 dm tall, corollas pale green.
Poa palustris – Fowl Bluegrass
Perenial grass; common in moist meadow near Convict Creek; with Carex spp., Smilacina stellate, Cirsium congdonii.
Polygonum arenastrum – Common Knotweed
Annual herb, corollas white and pink, stems to 1 dm long, occurring as weed in lawn in front of caretaker’s cabin
Polygonum douglasii ssp. johnstonii – Johnston’s Knotweed
Annual herb, flowers green; occasional in open sites within dry meadow, east end of property near north fence; with Smilacina stellate, Astragalus Canadensis var. brevidens
Polygonum sawatchense ssp. sawatchenses
Scarce, small colonies in open sites in wet meadows, on old pocket gopher mounds and other disturbed microsites; Gnaphalium palustre, Cyperus squarrosus. Annual herb, flowers greenish.
Populus balsamifera var. trichocarpa – Black Cottonwood
Deciduous tree to 7 m tall; occasional on banks of flood control channel, near manmade stream channels.
Potamogeton filiformis – Slender-leaved Pondweed
Uncommon, submerged in several small seasonal “ponds” within the meadow south of the easternmost control structure on Convict Creek. Perennial, submerged aquatic plant, vegetative.
Potentilla biennis – Greene’s Cinquefoil
Occasional perennial herb, corolla yellow, in moist soil near spring below Hans George’s cabin with Veratrum californicum, Salix, Castilleja miniata, Mimulus nasustus.