The reserve has a modern laboratory which houses six wet labs, a chemistry lab, radioisotope lab, additional offices, and a library. The laboratory also has a state of the art molecular diagnostics facility including a new quantitative PCR laboratory, tissue homogenizer, micro centrifuge and -80º Celsius freezer. Additional research facilities include: lab equipment such as an analytical balance and high purity water system walk-in cold room, spectrophotometer, meteorological station, woodshop, assorted boats and motors, snowmobiles, backpack electrofisher, incubator, plant dryer, and other field equipment. See the laboratory orientation guide for more details. Please reach out to our Laboratory Manager with any questions about using the SNARL Lab.

Main Lab Space
The main lab has lab space for classes or individual researchers. Some standard equipment is available for use. Users are responsible for bringing their own specialty equipment and supplies.
Animal Holding Facilities and Wet Laboratory
SNARL features an animal care facility and a wet laboratory; both are available for research users.

Wet Laboratory
Designed to hold aquatic organisms, this laboratory includes tanks and water tables supplied with flow-through stream water.

Animal Care Facility
An animal care facility built to USDA standards is available for holding and caring for wild terrestrial vertebrates. Facilities are inspected twice annually. To use this facility, the proper permits must be obtained and animal care protocols must be followed .