Why Support SNARL

Gifts from individuals, corporations and foundations are critical to supporting the mission of SNARL and Valentine Reserves and work in partnership with funding from UC Santa Barbara. This public-private partnership plays a significant role not only in maintaining the Natural Reserve System but also in building the University of California’s reputation.

Scientists from all over the country conduct research at VESR. Each year, about 45 research projects with over $2 million in grant support are active at the reserve. This research makes major contributions to the understanding of natural systems and the management of our local resources.

Our educational outreach program is the most ambitious in the NRS: over 2000 Inyo and Mono County school children visit the Reserves each year for hands-on, age-appropriate, field science experiences. This is a University program with all of the academic resources of the University behind it. It provides great local benefits to a part of the state without a full UC campus.

The reserve pursues funding of all types. Grants from the National Science Foundation and other public agencies have been instrumental in building our infrastructure and facilities. Local philanthropic support has supported our Outdoor Science Education Program. Many members of the Mammoth community have stepped up to bolster our K–12 science education programs. That support has enabled the construction of the Kate and Paul Page Research and Learning Center at SNARL, and underwrites our school field trip program benefiting Inyo and Mono County students.  

Other projects for which we seek funding include graduate student fellowships, facilities enhancements and replacements, technology improvements, environmental monitoring, resource inventories and distinguished lecturer support.

For information about these areas or others, please contact Reserve Director Carol Blanchette (link sends e-mail) or UCSB NRS Development Director Sarah Sikich.

Ways to Give

If you wish to discuss your support for the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory in detail, please contact the VESR Director, Carol Blanchette.

Email: carol.blanchette@ucsb.edu
Phone: 805-403-9561 

  • By credit card
    Call Sarah Sikich at 805.893.3988 to make a gift by phone.
  • By mail
    Download our Charitable Contribution Form to make a gift by mail
  • By gifts of securities (stock)
    For information and instructions on transferring gifts of securities, contact Sarah Sikich at 805.893.3988 or sarahsikich@ucsb.edu

Legacy Gifts

To ensure that the NRS will always have the resources it needs, we encourage you to consider extending your generosity beyond your lifetime by naming UC Santa Barbara Foundation in your will for the benefit of the Natural Reserve System.
We can also discuss with you planned giving strategies, such as trusts and charitable gift annuities, which allow you to improve your financial situation and make a gift to the Natural Reserve System.

To learn more about how you can create your future legacy through Planned Giving, contact Chris Pizzinat, Director of Major Gift Planning, or call 805.893.5126

As of July 1, 2012, it is the policy of the University of California, Santa Barbara and the UC Santa Barbara Foundation that 6% of gifts and/or the income from gifts may be used to defray the costs of raising and administering funds.