Adult Education

Seminar Series

These free presentations offer insights into some of the latest research and findings about the Eastern Sierra and beyond. With permission, talks are recorded and uploaded to our YouTube page. Click the button for information the upcoming talks!

Adult Art Series

We offer annual art paint-outs for local plein-air artists to come, paint, and be inspired by SNARL and Valentine reserves. Click the button for more information!

California Naturalist Program

SNARL reserve hosts California Naturalist program training, developed by UC Cooperative Extension, to train volunteer naturalists for conservation and further naturalist education. The button will take you to the CalNat program for upcoming classes/information on the program

Other Adult Classes

Sometimes we offer other classes that are special events or partner with local businesses to bring more people to SNARL and Valentine Reserves. Click the button below to see if there are any upcoming classes or events!

Public Tours

For the researcher’s privacy, SNARL does not have public tours. But the other Eastern Sierra Reserve Campus Valentine has public tours led by our amazing staff and volunteers. If you are interested in joining and seeing a preserved slice of the Eastern Sierra click the button bellow.